Why did we contact you?
We believe that you, or a family member, may be entitled to a share of an estate that we are currently researching. As a significant period of time may have been spent documenting your family tree, we will only approach you if we infer that you have an interest.
How did we get your contact details?
White Cliffs Genealogy Ltd use publicly available data to identify your current address.
How are our fees calculated?
At no point will we ask for any ‘up front’ fees in order to proceed with your claim on the estate. In keeping with the industry standard, we work on a commission basis, calculated on the time spent researching the family tree and tracing your current address. As some cases inevitably take less time than others, this will be reflected in our Agreement.
How long will this process take?
Once the application has been accepted by the Treasury we aim to distribute the estate within 4 months. Should there be any unforeseen delays, you will be notified. See our Estate Time Line for more details
What can I do to speed up the process?
First of all, call us. Once our initial conversation has taken place, we will be better placed to confirm your family tree.
Why do I need to send ID?
In order for the initial application to be successful, we need to prove to the Treasury Solicitor that you are the correct person and that we will be distributing the estate to the rightful heirs. We will gladly talk you through this process. Please note, if you are asked to supply ID prior to our application, WCG will cover the cost correctly certifying your ID in advance (at present, this service is £12.75 with Royal Mail)
What if other companies contact me?
It may well be that we have yet to receive your contact details. If you believe that you are linked to one of our projects, please contact us via email or telephone
How much will I get?
Unfortunately, in most cases we have approached you prior to our application to the Treasury. Once the application has been accepted, and the family tree is completed, we will be in a position to confirm your share. Please note, the Treasury Solicitor do not advertise unclaimed estates worth less than £500 and we do not know the estate value until our application has been accepted.
What if other companies contact me?
Simply, consider your options and make your own decision. No company should expect you to sign without details on the Deceased and you may wish to take separate legal advice. Either way, we are happy to assist you no matter what your question or query is.